佛前光明燈--佛說{施燈功德經]中云:若有眾生佈施燈明善根,得八種無量資糧,點燈大眾可藉佛力加持,護佑元辰光旺盛, 前程光明, 諸事順利 !
更備有*財神增益燈 *貴人善緣敬愛燈 * 增長智慧燈 * 淨光守護燈*
{The lighting offering brings you fortune, wisdom, and auspiciousness} In the “Light Offering Merits Sutra”, Buddha stated that sentient beings who offer a good deed of a bright lamp earn eight categories of infinite karmic wealth. Under the blessing of Buddha, the benefactors will be protected and energized producing a bright and wish-fulfilled future .
Also available are: "Fortune Deity Prosperity Lamp", "Noble and Good Affinity, and HarmonyLamp", "Wisdom Lamp", and "Pure Light Protection Lamp".
{太歲當頭座 安太歲保平安 } 俗稱安太歲,為祈求未來新的一年, 平安吉祥,逢兇化吉.
{When offending the Year's Guardian, Seeking Pacification of Taisui} A tragedy free, auspicious, and peaceful future year if seeking pacification of the Taisui. The act is called “An Taisui.”
{Medicine Buddha Longevity Tablet} Pray to Medicine Buddha to bless all registered living people with calamity eradication, a long life, and much fortune and wisdom.
{安奉祖先或往生蓮位}祈已故親人,家宅祖先,水子靈,怨親債主及纏身靈,淨土化生誠心祭拜祖先可護佑家庭平安,婚姻,事業順利, 貴人相扶持.
{Ancestor or Deceased Deliverance Tablet} Pray to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Buddhas to deliver all registered family ancestors, aborted fetus spirits, karmic enemies and creditors, and attached spirits to the pure land. People sincerely praying and making sacrifices to ancestors will be protected and blessed with family peace, a happy marriage, a smooth career, and help from noble people.
*** 注意: 往年安奉以上各項功德位或問籤求願之信衆同門, 請親臨還願或寄隨喜供養功德金及購買金紙答謝神明佛光加持賜福如意圓滿
*** Note: Benefactors of the abovementioned customs in past years or those whose wishes were granted by divine guidance with oracle sticks, kindly express your appreciation for the blessing by the deities with a donation, joss paper money, or whatever you promised. You can pay back in person at the temple or mail a donation check.***